There is a story in the Gospel of Matthew found in chapter 20 in verses 29 to 34. In this story Jesus’s ministry is growing and this story takes place before he cleanses the temple in Jerusalem.
In this story he is leaving Jericho on his way to Jerusalem, where he will suffer the incredibly painful death of crucifixion. On his way leaving Jericho, there are two blind man who hear that he is coming. They scream out to him and get told to be quiet, which leads them to scream out louder until Jesus hears. Then Jesus stops in the middle of this massive following and calls for them. The blindmen approach nervously and then are asked what they want… I imagine time would have stood still why they worked up the courage to ask, “LORD let our eyes be open.” This moment moves Jesus with compassion and leads to Christ healing them. These two men who are healed decide to follow Jesus and live a truly transformed life.
What I find amazing about this story is that before the healing, we read that Jesus ‘stood still.’ How often do we stand still to hear God’s direction for us? What miracles are we missing because we don’t get stil long enough for God? I want to encourage you to take time in the beginning of this year to be still with Christ, so you can partner with them in the healings they desire to bring their creation.